Choice based Credit system (CBCS) for UG Classes under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) was introduced in the year 2013, wherein the courses are measured in terms of credits. Further in the year 2016 the new Choice based credit System was introduced in accordance with UGC guidelines. The CBCS provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses comprising core, elective or skill based courses. The courses can be evaluated following the grading system, which is considered to be better than the conventional marks system. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce uniform grading system in the entire higher education in India. This will benefit the students to move across institutions within India and across countries. The uniform grading system will also enable potential employers in assessing the performance of the candidates. In order to bring uniformity in evaluation system and computation of the Cumulative Grade point average (CGPA) based on student’s performance in the examinations, the UGC has formulated the guidelines to be followed.
1. Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC): A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Core course.
2. Elective Course: A course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject of study or which provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate’s proficiency/skill is called an Elective course.
Duration (Time Frame): The UG programme is for a minimum period of three years and a maximum of five years from the date of admission of the candidate. Each academic year shall comprise of two semesters, viz. odd and even semesters. Odd Semesters shall be from June to October and the even semester shall be from November to April. There shall be in each semester not less than 90 working days with 450 teaching hours.
Credits: The term ‘credit’ refers to the weightage given to a course, usually in terms of the number of instructional hours per week assigned to it. This explains why usually ‘credit’ is taken to mean ‘credit hours’. The credits also determine the volume of course contents and delivery of programme such as lectures, tutorials, practicals, assignments, etc.
Sr. No. | Course Type | No.of Courses | Credits (per course) | Total Credits |
1 | DSC-I | 4 | 6 | 24 |
2 | DSC-II | 4 | 6 | 24 |
3 | SEC | 4 | 4 | 16 |
4 | DSE-I | 2 | 6 | 12 |
5 | DSE-II | 2 | 6 | 12 |
6 | GEC | 2 | 6 | 12 |
7 | AECC | 2 | 4 | 8 |
8 | Core Language | 4 | 6 | 24 |
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Continuous Comprehensive Assessment accounts for 30% of the final grade that a student gets in a course of study. This would have the following components:
i) Classroom Attendance: each student will have to attend a minimum of 75% lectures/Tutorials/Practicals. A student having less than 75% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the Term End Examination (TEE).
Further those students getting the exemption, except for those getting exemption for co-curricular activities, will not be entitled to the CCA marks for classroom attendance.
Classroom Attendance Incentive: The students having greater than 75% attendance and who also participated in co-curricular activities, 25% will be added to percent attendance.
=75% but <80%: 1 mark
=80% but <85%: 2 marks
=85% but <90%: 3 marks
=90% but <95%: 4 marks
=95% & above: 5 marks
ii) Mid- Term (Minor) Tests- There will be one mid-term test, to be conducted when approximately 2/3 of the syllabus has been covered. This midterm test will be for 15 marks and will be conducted in the months of December.
iii) Seminar & Assignments- The remaining 10 marks of the CCA will be awarded on the basis of seminars/ assignments, etc. that the course teacher might give to the students.
(iv) Term End Examination:
i) The remaining 70% of the final grade of the students in a course will be on the basis of term end examination that will be three hours duration and will be covering the whole syllabus of the course.
Course Code | Course | Course Type | Course Name | Credits |
HIND 101 | SKT/HIND-1 | Core Course BA/B.Com |
प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी |
06 |
HIND 102 | DSC-1A | Core Course | हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास | 06 |
HIND 103 | DSC-1B | Core Course | मध्यकालीन हिंदी कविता | 06 |
HIND 104 | AECC-2 Hindi/Eng SKT (One of out of three | Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course | हिंदी भाषा और संप्रेषण | 04 |
Course Code | Course | Course Type | Course Name | Credits |
HIND 201 | SKT/HINDI-2 | Core Course BA/B.Com |
अनिवार्यहिंदी रचनापुंज | 06 |
HIND 202 | DSC-1C | Core Course | आधुनिक हिंदी कविता | 06 |
HIND 203 | DSC-1D | Core Course | हिंदी गद्य साहित्य | 06 |
HIND 204 | SEC-1 | Skill | कार्यालयीहिंदीअथवा | 04 |
HIND 205 | Enhancement Course | हिंदीभाषाशिक्षण | ||
HIND 206 | SEC-2 | Skill Enhancement | अनुवादविज्ञानअथवा | 02 |
HIND 207 | Course | सम्भाषणकला |
Course Code | Course | Course Type | Course Name | Credits |
HIND 301 | SEC-3 | Skill Enhancement Course | रंगआलेख एवं रंगमंच अथवा भाषा कंप्यूटिंग | 06 |
HIND 302 HIND 303 HIND 304 |
SEC-4 | Skill Enhancement Course | चलचित्र लेखन अथवा समाचार संकलन और लेखन लोक साहित्य | 06 |
HIND 305 | DSE-1A | Discipline Specific (Elective) | लोकसाहित्य | 06 |
HIND 306 | DSE-1B | Discipline Specific (Elective) | छाया वादोत्तर हिंदी कविता | 06 |
HIND 307 | GE-1 | Generic (Elective) | आधुनिकभारतीय साहित्य | 06 |
HIND 308 | GE-2 | Skill Enhancement | सृजनात्मक लेखन के विविध क्षेत्र | 06 |
Course Code | Course | Course Type | Course Name |
B.A. 1st Year | |||
POLS-101 POLS-102 |
DSC-1 (A) DSC-1 (B) |
Introduction to Political Theory India Govt. & Politics |
B.A. 2nd Year | |||
POLS-201 POLS-202 POLS-203 POLS-204 |
DSC-1(C) DSC-1(D) SEC-1 SEC-2 |
Comparative Govt. and Politics Introduction to International Relations. Legislative support Public opinion and survey research |
B.A. 3rd Year | |||
POLS-301(A) POLS-301(B) POLS-302(A) POLS-302(B) |
DSE-1(A) DSE-1(A) DSE-1(B) DSE-1(B) |
Themes in comparative Political Theory Administration and public Policy Concepts and Theories Democracy and Governance Understanding Globalization |
Skill Enhancement Courses | |||
POLS-303 POLS-304 POLS-305 POLS-306 |
SEC-3 SEC-4 GE-1 GE-2 |
Democratic Awareness through legal literacy Conflict and peace Building Society Economy and Politics in Himachal Pradesh Human Rights, Gender and Environment |
Year | DSC | SEC | |
1st Year |
Principles of Micro-economics-1 (ECONA101) Principles of Micro-economics-II (ECONA102) |
2nd Year |
Principles of Macro-economic-1 (ECONA201) Principles of Macro-economic-II(ECONA202) |
SEC-1, Stastical methods-I (ECONA-203) SEC-2, Economics & Rural Development-I (ECONA-204) SEC-3, Stastical methods-II (ECONA-205) SEC-4, Demography (ECONA-206) |
3rd Year |
DSE-1 Indian Economy-ECONA301 DSE-2 Economy History of India 1857-1947 ECONA302 DSE-3 Economy of Himachal Pradesh ECONA303 DSE-4 Basic Econometrics ECONA304 |
SEC-5 Research Methodology ECONA309 SEC-6 Public Finance ECONA310 SEC-7 Money and Banking ECONA311 SEC-8 Project Work ECONA312 |
Year | DSC | SEC | |
DSC (Credit-6) BA 1st Year |
1. DSC-1A, (HIST(A) 101) History of India from the Earliest Times up to 300 CE 2. DSC- 1B, History of India From (300 to 1206) (HIST(A) 102) |
BA 2nd Year |
1. DSC-IC (HIST-103) History of India form (1206 to 1707) 2.DSC-1D (HIST-104) History of India form (1707 to 1950) |
Historical Tourism : Theory and Practice (HIST-117) Indian History and culture (HIST-119) |
BA 3rd Year | Discipline specific Elective Courses | ||
- DSE-1 A Modern & Contemporary World History 1815-1919 (HIST (A) 305) - Issues in World History-1 (The Twentieth Century) (HIST (A) 308) - DSE-1B Modern & Contemporary World History 1950-1992 (HIST A) 307 - DSE-1B Issues in World History-1 (The Twentieth Century) (HIST (A) 308) |
Skill Enhancement Courses | |||
SEC-3 Indian History and culture 1950-1992 (HIST A) 317 - Museums and Archives (HIST A 318) SEC-4 - Introduction to Indian Art(HIST A-309) - Understanding Popular Culture HIST(A) 320 |
Generic Elective | |||
- GE-1 Women in Indian History HIST(A)309 - Social-Religious Reform movements 20th Centuries HIST (A) 310 - GE-2 Environmental issues in India HIST (A) 311 - History of Himachal Pradesh 1815 onward HIST (A) 312 |
First Year 1. DSC-1 (A) 2.DSCA-1(B) 3.English-1 4.AbilityEnhancement Compulsory Course |
English Literature-1 English Literature-2 Compulsory English-1 AECC-2 |
ENG DSC 102 ENG DSC 103 ENG CE 101 ENG AECC 104 |
Second Year 1. English-2 2. DSC-1 C 3. DSC-1 D 4. SEC-1 5. SEC-2 |
Core English-2 (Compulsory) British Literature (Play & Novel) Literature Cross Currents Creative writing Book and Media Reviews Translation studies and Principles of Translation |
ENG CE 201 ENG DSC 202 ENG DSC 203 ENG SEC 204 ENG SEC 205 |
Third Year 1. SEC-3 2. SEC-4 3. DSE-1A 4. DSE-1B 5. DSE-2A 6. DSE-2B 7. GE GA-1 8. GE-2 |
Technical Writing Business Communication Soft Skills Academic Writing & Composition Specific Discipline Literature from Himachal Contemporary India: Women & empowerment |